Hello and welcome!

This facilitator training and certification course is designed to prepare you to get the most out of Friday Night at the ER for any group. The course blends online activities, consultations with a content expert and hands-on practice.

Before you get started, take a look below at the descriptions of the pages under My Account and read through the outline to see how the course is organized and what we’ll be covering.

In addition to navigating the course modules, you will be going to My Account, where you’ll find a few pages that we set up just for you:

  • My Progress – as you make your way through the course, you will be marking sections complete using your Training ID (find yours in ‘Account Info’). We’ll update your progress tracker frequently so you can keep track of which sections you have completed and which ones you still have left to do.
  • My Mentor – you will be assigned a mentor for the duration of the course. Use this page to schedule private consultations with your mentor at the end of each module.
  • My Course Folder – all of your notes, worksheets and self assessments will be uploaded to a private Google Drive folder shared between you and your mentor. You’ll use this folder to access your completed work and to help stay organized throughout the course.

Module 1:

Become Familiar

Create Your Support Center Account

Program Overview

Game Demo

Debrief Preview

Your Game Kit

Self Assessment

Mentor Check-In (optional)

Module 2:

Play the Game and Learn How to Use It

Set Up a Game Table

Play the Game


Team Dialogue

Game Play FAQs

Practice the Game Instructions

Facilitator Role During the Game

Self Assessment

Mentor Check-In (optional)

Module 3:

Understand the Debrief and Customize It

How It All Connects

Example Uses and Your Plans

Building Blocks and the Details

Self Assessment

Mentor Check-In

Module 4:

Facilitate a Practice Session

Participant Evaluations

Practice Session

Self Assessment

Mentor Check-In (optional)

Module 5:

Final Review and Certification

Review Your Work

Certification Checklist

Mentor Wrap-Up